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About-Me Page - consider this "eternally in beta." [!SCROLL DOWN!]

Hello! I'm josha254, but you can call me Josh.

I might have autism and/or ADHD. also definitely PTSD from getting spanked at 6 so there's that :D

I'd describe my personality as gentle and optimistic. I can be hostile at times, but that's only if I'm bothered.

I'm nonbinary and use they/them pronouns. Nonbinary how? No Idea (TM). I also might be polyamourous.

I like: Music, drawing, writing, conversing with small groups.

I'm really interested in: electronics, (film) photography and cubing.

Favourite film stocks: Fujifilm 400 for the U.S. market (it's rebranded, cheaper Ultramax), Fujifilm Superia line, Ilford HP5+.

Favourite cameras: Nikon D3200 (Great budget DSLR! Buy it used!), Lomography Diana Mini, Cheap generic reusable film cameras (The art of imperfection, on a budget).

I don't like: darkness, crowds, tight spaces, noisy environments, generally unfamiliar places

My worst opps be Microsoft Windows, macOS, Michael